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Restricted Electrical Licence – Full Details (Melbourne)


Skills Maintenance

nationally recognisedThe Restricted Electrical Course is a comprehensive training course for non-electrical trades required to do incidental electrical work for their trade/qualifications.

In Victoria, we deliver a Class 1 – Restricted electrical licence course- for the Disconnect and reconnect and locate and rectify faults on Low voltage electrical appliances for your call of trade –

Step 1- Confirm your eligibility and course advise letter from ESV Connect.

  1. Check the ESV Restricted Electrical how-to page  HERE  for a step-by-step process 
  2. Create an account on ESVconnect (Link Here)
  3. A Bizmatrix Video example of checking eligibility and obtaining the ESV advice letter to attend the REL course.   Bizmatrix How to Video – ESVConnect eligibility  ( the example is for a plumber gasfitter-)
  4. You will receive an email with the ESV ( Energy Safe Victoria ) advice letter to course attendance with the requirements for the REL Training – which you will supply to us when you enrol.

Step 2-Enrol and attend the Restricted Electrical course.

  1. Enrol in the Restricted electrical course – applicable to your call of trade – supply the ESV attendance letter.
  2. Provide copies of your call of trade licences or qualifications.
  3. We only deliver the Class 1- REL option in Victoria.
    • UEECD0007-Apply work health and safety
    • UEERL0003 Conduct in-service safety testing
    • UEERL0004 Disconnect – Reconnect electrical equipment
    • UEERL005 Locate and rectify faults

  The course commences on enrolment with Online lessons and quizzes

  • Online Module 1- WHS, Test and tag and basic electrical. (8hrs)
  • Online Module 2- Electrical theories, Safety, Disconnect reconnect, Locate rectify and Plugs course. (16 hrs). 

Then Face to Face practical (5) five days  (37 Hrs)

    • Day1 -WHS TT, Day 2/3 DR, Day 4 LR-Faults  Day 5 – ESV Processes

Every Bizmatrix Restricted Electrical Course includes two essential subjects:

  • Work Health and Safety  – UEECD0007-Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace and the
  • Test and Tag qualification – UEERL0003 Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord-connected equipment and cord assemblies

These form the foundations for being electrically safe and testing for electrical safety, two essential components to be safe and compliant.

  • The next essential subject is UEERL0004 Disconnect Reconnect electrical equipment connected to low voltage (LV) installation wiring which is a common DR unit for all trades.
  • Then  UEERL005 Locate and rectify faults in low voltage (LV) electrical equipment using set procedures

The journey is designed to begin with the basics and progress through to build competence and prove as assessed that you can work safely and competently around your call of trade for any incidental electrical work required as per your required Restricted Electrical Licence

All course prices include the Test and Tag subject as it is essential to assist students in learning the basics and correct testing processes for restricted electrical, and is a Bizmatrix mandatory pre-requisite to complete at the same time as the WHS unit and before the DR/LR.


RequirementsElectrical training Permit for Queensland), Current call of trade, the need for incidental electrical work for your trade.
F2F Practical4-5 Days
OnlineApprox 20 - 30 Hrs (Prior to F2F Practical)
Australian Standards Supplied Free of charge Workplace supervised sign off logbook jobs. Completed after F2F practical
Nationally recognised?Yes


The Restricted Electrical Course is designed for those required to complete incidental electrical work (50 VAC – 1000 VAC)  in line with their current trade licence qualification with at least 3 years of industry experience.

This may include, disconnecting and reconnecting, locating and rectifying faults,  for electrical equipment as designated by your trade qualifications/experience.

That means, disconnecting and reconnecting, locating and rectifying, fault finding, and electrical equipment/appliances used for your current trade. And test and tag any electrical appliances.

Note: This course is NOT for those wanting to complete a path to become an electrician.


In Victoria, we deliver a Class 1 – Restricted electrical licence course- for the Disconnect and reconnect and locate and rectify faults on Low voltage electrical appliances for your call of trade –

Step 1- Confirm your eligibility and course advise letter from ESV Connect.

  1. Check the ESV Restricted Electrical how-to page  HERE  for a step-by-step process 
  2. Create an account on ESVconnect (Link Here)
  3. A Bizmatrix Video example of checking eligibility and obtaining the ESV advice letter to attend the REL course.   Bizmatrix How to Video – ESVConnect eligibility  ( the example is for a plumber gasfitter-)
  4. You will receive an email with the ESV ( Energy Safe Victoria ) advice letter to course attendance with the requirements for the REL Training – which you will supply to us when you enrol.

Step 2-Enrol and attend the Restricted Electrical course.

  1. Enrol in the Restricted electrical course – applicable to your call of trade – supply the ESV attendance letter.
  2. Provide copies of your call of trade licences or qualifications.

Step 3 – Successfully Complete the course training.

  • Bizmatrix issues the Statement of attainment with the required units for the Class 1 REL on the final day of the course if successful.

Step 4 -Complete the practical assessment by the approved centre.

Step 5- Complete the ESV application 

  • Evidence of a demonstrated need for the licence, that is: an employer support letter (or self-written letter if self-employed) detailing:
    • the tasks to be undertaken as a result of holding the Restricted licence
    • the tasks that are required for the applicant to undertake their primary trade
    • the equipment and components that will be disconnected/reconnected
    • the voltage that applies to the equipment

Step 6- Submit your application to ESVconnect 

  • Submission of a completed application via ESVConnect for a Restricted Electrical Worker’s licence.


Students who complete the Restricted Electrical Course , will be eligible to apply for the Restricted Electrical Licence through the ESV. Once the licence is obtained, you will be able to carry out the restricted electrical work in line with your trade and the REL-Licence restrictions..

The licence will state the maximum voltage and specific class of electrical equipment you are eligible to effectively complete incidental electrical work on.

For example, plumbers are only able to work on hot water systems, while gas fitters are only able to work on gas equipment as per their gas licence .

Before you book a course:

  • Understand the online learning and assessment commences on enrolment.
  • You are required to confirm eligibility – Supply the ESV advice letter course attendance.
  • Plan your study periods and attendance to the regular virtual online classes
    Allow at least 2-4 weeks to complete the online learning & assessments.
  • The online work must be completed over a 2-4 week period and no less than this period and before the face-to-face dates.
  • Understand all online learning must be completed on and before the due dates & before the face-to-face (F2F) practical training
  • Restricted electrical is a difficult subject to learn, therefore you require more time to absorb and understand the theory behind the logic of electrical.
  • The online work must be completed in due course.




All of Bizmatrix Restricted Electrical Courses include two extra units as part of the total course fee:

•  UEECD0007 Apply Occupational Health and Safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace

•  UEERL0003 Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies

Training Includes all books, facilities, and course materials except for logbook experience, which is to be completed within the student’s current workplace. If you require institutional logbook training, Bizmatrix can provide this at an extra daily rate.


ESV Advise Letter course attendance:  Required for enrolment 
Employer support letter:  Required on ESV application 
Licence outcome: Type B gas equipment/appliances limited to Type B gas appliances. DR-LR 
Course Delivery: Online + 5 Days F2F Practical

UEECD0007 – Apply OHS / WHS
UEERL0003 – Conduct in Service Testing (Test & Tag)
UEERL0004 – Disconnect & Reconnect
UEERL0005 – Locate rectify faults
Total Cost: $2,245 GST FREE

ESV Advise Letter course attendance:  Required for enrolment 
Employer support letter:  Required on the ESV application 
Licence outcome: Water heaters DR-LR
Course Delivery: Online + 5 Days F2F Practical

UEECD0007 – Apply OHS / WHS
UEERL0003 – Conduct in Service Testing (Test & Tag)
UEERL0004 – Disconnect & Reconnect
UEERL0005 – Locate rectify faults
Total Cost: $2,245 GST FREE


ESV Advise Letter course attendance:  Required for enrolment 
Employer support letter:  Required on the ESV application 
Licence outcome: Gas appliances/equipment  DR- LR Class 1
Course Delivery: Online + 5 Days F2F Practical

UEECD0007 – Apply OHS / WHS
UEERL0003 – Conduct in Service Testing (Test & Tag)
UEERL0004 – Disconnect & Reconnect
UEERL0005 – Locate rectify faults

Total Cost: $2,245 GST FREE


ESV Advise Letter course attendance:  Required for enrolment 
Employer support letter:  Required on the ESV application 
Licence outcome: Refrigeration- A/C to 250/415VAC- DR-LR Class 1 
Course Delivery: Online + 5 Days F2F Practical

UEECD0007 – Apply OHS / WHS
UEERL0003 – Conduct in Service Testing (Test & Tag)
UEERL0004 – Disconnect & Reconnect
UEERL0005 – Locate rectify faults
Total Cost: $2,245 GST FREE

ESV Advise Letter course attendance:  Required for enrolment 
Employer support letter:  Required on the ESV application 
Licence outcome: Electrical machine repairs to 250/415VAC Class 1 DR-LR 
Course Delivery: Online + 5 Days F2F Practical

UEECD0007 – Apply OHS / WHS
UEERL0003 – Conduct in Service Testing (Test & Tag)
UEERL0004 – Disconnect & Reconnect
UEERL0005 – Locate rectify faults
UEERL0001 – Plugs cords 230Vac
UEERL0002 – Plugs cords 415Vac

Total Cost: $2,245 GST FREE

ESV Advise Letter course attendance:  Required for enrolment 
Employer support letter:  Required on ESV application 
Licence outcome: Composite/Instrumentation to 250/415VAC Class 1 - DR LR 
Course Delivery: Online + 5 Days F2F Practical

UEECD0007 – Apply OHS / WHS
UEERL0003 – Conduct in Service Testing (Test & Tag)
UEERL0004 – Disconnect & Reconnect
UEERL0005 – Locate rectify faults
Total Cost: $2,245 GST FREE

ESV Advise Letter course attendance:  Required for enrolment 
Employer support letter:  Required on ESV application 
Licence outcome: Composite/Instrumentation to 250/415VAC- Class 1 - DR LR 
Course Delivery: Online + 5 Days F2F Practical

UEECD0007 – Apply OHS / WHS
UEERL0003 – Conduct in Service Testing (Test & Tag)
UEERL0004 – Disconnect & Reconnect
UEERL0005 – Locate rectify faults
Total Cost: $2,245 GST FREE



Class Name Course Dates

Online due dates

Class Times

Training Locations Available Spaces

Pricing -

To be confirmed


    or more information  

REL-3-MEL-2025 Restricted Electrical Course - Melbourne 2025 -TT.DR.LR eLearning due before:03/03/2025   Face-to-Face Dates: 3 - 7 March 2025 eLearning due before:03/03/2025

Class Time: 07:15 am ---- 03:30 pm

Bizmatrix Campus (Carneigie Vic) 3163 6 General Pricing $2,295.00   " Enquire Now " Button above 
REL-4-MEL-2025 Restricted Electrical Course - Melbourne 2025 -TT.DR.LR eLearning due before:24/03/2025   Face-to-Face Dates: 24 - 28 March 2025 eLearning due before:24/03/2025

Class Time: 07:15 am ---- 03:30 pm

Bizmatrix Campus (Carneigie Vic) 3163 4 General Pricing $2,295.00   " Enquire Now " Button above 
REL-5-MEL-2025 Restricted Electrical Course - Melbourne 2025 -TT.DR.LR eLearning due before:10/04/2025   Face-to-Face Dates: 10 - 11 April & 14 - 16 April 2025 eLearning due before:10/04/2025

Class Time: 07:15 am ---- 03:30 pm

Bizmatrix Campus (Carneigie Vic) 3163 8 General Pricing $2,295.00   " Enquire Now " Button above 


Do I need a Restricted Electrical Worker’s licence?

Yes – If the equipment is fixed into position, directly connected to the mains supply and requires isolation and disconnection to be repaired, replaced or maintained on-site, you will require a Restricted Electrical Worker’s licence and are required to issue a Certificate of Electrical Safety (COES) upon completion of the work.

  • Class 2 – Restricted Electrical Workers Licence (Disconnect/Reconnect only).

In the case of an appliance that is fixed and plugged in and requires locate rectification, service and repairs. Then it is advisable to have the Class 1 licence 

  • Class 2 – Restricted Electrical Workers Licence (Disconnect/Reconnect only).

No – If the equipment is easily transportable and is connected by a plug to a socket this equipment is considered a plug-in and does not require a restricted licence.

Not an unlicensed person can not work testing or repairing any low voltage electrical appliances. Or work on live low-voltage appliance components.

Note: An appliance that is easily transportable is not a fixed appliance or is not an appliance, that can not be moved with ease. 

You have a duty of care to be licenced and competent, unlicensed electrical work regardless of the requirement for an electrical licence- is dangerous and potentially could void the insurance. 

Where do I get all the information to apply for a Victorian ESV Restricted electrical licence?
Firstly you need to establish your eligibility and then refer to the checklist of the items you will need for the application 

Step 1- Confirm your eligibility and course advise letter from ESV Connect.

  1. Check the ESV Restricted Electrical how-to page  HERE  for a step-by-step process 
  2. Create an account on ESVconnect (Link Here)
  3. A Bizmatrix Video example of checking eligibility and obtaining the ESV advice letter to attend the REL course.   Bizmatrix How to Video – ESVConnect eligibility  ( the example is for a plumber gasfitter-)
  4. You will receive an email with the ESV ( Energy Safe Victoria ) advice letter to course attendance with the requirements for the REL Training – which you will supply to us when you enrol.
  5. Full details below 

Restricted Electrical Worker’s licence (REL) | Energy Safe Victoria (

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