Gas Trade Tests – Skills Experience Courses


This is an approved Gas Work Licence – Trade test which is over five (5) days. The Trade test is required for any person who may of held a Gas Work Licence that has expired more than 12 months.

Or has the current and required Certificate III in gas fitting units, that has not applied for the Gas Work Licence ( interim ), more than 12 months from the Certificate Date.

The trade test is not a training course, it is a challenge and competency test to confirm your knowledge and skills. The course involves some revision on Days 1 and Days 2 of the five days, and the applicants will have access to some online revision if they desire.

The trade tests focus on two standards, AS/NZS5601.1.2013 and AS/NZS1596. On registration, the applicants will receive a free copy of each standard.  It is expected the participant carry out their own study/revision prior to the trade test five day face to face.

We must stress, this is not a training course, it is a Trade test to confirm the reinstatement or activation of a Gas Work Licence or Gas Work Licence ( Interim) .

As per the instructions from the Chief Gas Inspector, the participants must pass the course 100% and should this not be achieved, the participant will not be allowed to retake the test.

What happens if you do not pass the trade test?  The participant will be required to reattend and complete the Certificate III in gas fitting and the required certificate IV gas units.

It is important to continue to stay on top of industry changes whilst building your knowledge further in the gas industry. The training program will work to give you a new understanding of gas practices.

On applications- and before registration- Each applicant will be required to complete an interview with our Lead Educator to determine eligibility to attend and successfully complete the trade test.

At this interview, we will determine your current experience and fully explain the task ahead.

What would assist this process:

1- A copy of your expired license or training?

2- Do you have a current copy of the required standards? Provide a list .

3- When was the last time you worked with gas and to what level?

4- Any supporting information that will assist us in our decision?

5- What is your plan to tackle the Trade Test?

Lastly, Why do you want to get back or get a Gas Work Licence?


Requirements Current Certificate III in Gas fitting or Certificate III in Plumbing (with gas units) Qualification, Current Australian Standards for a Gas Fitter, Your own test equipment for Gas Fitting
Face to Face Practical 5 Days
Online Optional 30hrs (Prior to F2F Practical)
Nationally recognised? NO


The Trade Test – is designed for those who have an expired Gas Work Licence and or qualification exceeding 12 months expired.

Your Gas Licence expired less than 12 months ago, Then just reapply for your Gas Work Licence.

•  If you have delayed your application for your Gas Work Licence, or it expired less than 12 months ago, then you can still apply for it.
•  Your application needs to include the most current requirements as per the RSHQ website.
•  You will not be required to complete this Trade Test  program.

Your Gas Licence or Qualifications expired more than 12 months ago – TRADE TEST REQUIRED

•  You will need to complete a pre-interview eligibility check with Bizmatrix before registration.
•  If applicable: You will need to provide the following copies of current qualifications – Certificate III in Gas Fitting, or Certificate III in Plumbing and Services with the specific units required.

At this interview, we will determine your current experience and fully explain the task ahead.

What would assist this process:

1- A copy of your expired license or training?

2- Do you have a current copy of the required standards? Provide a list .

3- When was the last time you worked with gas and to what level?

4- Any supporting information that will assist us in our decision?

5- What is your plan to tackle the Trade Test?

Lastly, Why do you want to get back or get a Gas Work Licence?


You will require evidence of a current Certificate III in Gas Fitting and your qualifications must be in line with the current unit requirement.


After completing the Gas Fitter Trade Test you will be able to apply for your full Gas Work Licence and continue working as a full Gas Fitter. or Gas Work Licence (Interim)

Successful trade test participants will receive:
•  A Statement of Results- for the application process
•  A complete copy of the latest AS/NZs standards free.
•  Refresher update and confirmation of competence.
•  An update of skills.
•  The ability to reinstate their Gas Work Licence.


✔️ Gas Work Licence – Trade Test
✔️ Practical Experience Declaration Session (Optional)


$2,500 + GST

5 Days F2F Trade test
Trade Test- Gas

$950 + GST

max 20hrs F2F Practical
Practical Experience Declaration

TRADE TEST DATES - Gas Trade Test - Face to Face

Please note:  If you want to enquire or wish to enrol, please click “Enquire Now” above, with the preferred enrolment dates .

Class Name Course Dates

Online due dates

Class Times

Training Locations Available Spaces

Pricing -

To be confirmed


    or more information  

TAK-2-2025: Type A Skills Trade test-SC eLearning due before:14/04/2025   Face-to-Face Dates: 14 - 16 & 23 - 24 April 2025 eLearning due before:14/04/2025

Class Time: 07:15 am ---- 03:30 pm

Bizmatrix BRENDALE Training Room - Unit 53 5 General Pricing $2,750.00   " Enquire Now " Button above 

PED DATES: Maximum 10-20 hrs Practical Experience-Only - Type A or Type B

There are currently no openings available for this course. To register for expressions of interest don't hesitate to get in touch with our team at Bizmatrix for more information Phone 1300 588 749 or 07 3732 6500

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