Advanced Type B Gas Course – CPCPPS5001

ADVANCED TYPE B GAS COURSE | CPCPPS 5001Design industrial gas systems

The advanced Type B gas CPCPPS5001  Design Industrial gas systems are ideally suited for anyone who wants to progress their skills and knowledge beyond the Type B gas qualification or require the unit for their progression from a Restricted Type B gas licence to an Advanced Type B gas licence for the ACT , Tasmania and other states. The unit also works well for Type B or Type A gas approval authorities or as a unit required in the Diploma of Hydraulic Design.

This unit is at the Diploma level and will require the students to create a portfolio of works, including the use of electronic mediums, spreadsheets, CAD-style drawings and more.

Advanced Type B Gas / CPCPPS5001 Design Industrial Gas Systems may contribute towards your application to become a Type B gas approval authority – to be able to approve Type B submissions.

You will expand from basic Type B gas systems through to more complex systems, which are not covered in the standard Type B Gas Course. For example, you will learn additional information in hazardous areas, volatiles in certain applications, full modulation systems, ratio regulators, monitor regulators, complex valve trains with double block and bleed systems, leak detection, monitor regulators, zero regulator,s and modulating valves

Students will learn about design requirements, cost-benefit analysis, statutory requirements, layout of pipework systems, fitting and valves, valve trains, system calculations and materials required, joining methods, pipe fixing, installation requirements, plans, commissioning, and operation and maintenance manual.


Pre-requisite Students must have completed CPCPGS4023 Once the student has completed the CPCPGS4023 online course, desktop only, they may then complete the Design industrial gas systems subject.
Face to face Practical None- ( Only Via Virtual Classes )
Online ELearning Desktop Study 120hrs + Video Virtual Class support
Nationally recognised? Yes

This course is designed for those who are currently working in the Type B gas sector, who are Type B gas authorised or Restricted Type B gas licensed and have completed CPCPGS4023 Type B Gas Course or equivalent.

It is ideal for those employed in the industry, and are required to design, complete and submit the following:

•  Type B gas submissions
•  Approve Type B gas submissions
•  Work on advanced Type B gas systems
•  Create advanced industrial specifications



✔️ CPCPPS5001 Design Industrial gas systems



120 - 200hrs Online Only


Enrolments now open:

ADVTBG-eLearning – Enrol at any time, the course completion dates are 6-8 months from your enrolment date.

The course has been redesigned as an online learning course with educator learner support via virtual online video classrooms.

The program has strict due dates and finish date.


Class Name Course Dates

Online due dates

Class Times

Training Locations Available Spaces

Pricing -

To be confirmed


    or more information  

Advance Type B Gas Course-ENROLMENT 2025 eLearning due before:30/06/2025   Face-to-Face Dates: ONLINE COURSE JAN-DEC 2025 eLearning due before:30/06/2025

Class Time: 07:00 am ---- 05:00 pm

Bizmatrix BRENDALE Training Room - Unit 53 8 General Pricing $5,990.00   " Enquire Now " Button above 

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