Gas Stationary Engines Courses


nationally recognisedThis course is designed to link the two units based on current industry requirements and industry feedback, where you will be taken on a learning journey starting with:

The gas basics, principles, gas safety and testing method relating to Gas Stationary Engines and how to correctly install, commission, service & maintain gas stationary engines. Techniques include a what’s in a compliant technical submission, the installation process and commissioning and testing/compliance.

Importantly, further to this, why the gas stationary engine must be installed correctly first, proceeded by the second subject being Servicing, Repair and Correct Maintenance around the gas systems for gas stationary engines.


Pre-requisite CPCCWHS1001 – Work safely in the Construction Industry (Statement of Attainment) plus HLTAID009 – Provide Cardiopulmonary resuscitation - Perform CPR or equivalent
Practical training- Service/Install Face to Face Service/Install-5 days
Online Pre-course ,WHS & Basic gas principles approximately 8-10 hrs
Nationally recognised? Yes


These units are designed for those wanting to work on gas stationary engines. Applicants who complete the program can install, commission, and service/repair gas stationary fuelled engines.

It is recommended that the applicants complete both units to understand the importance of a correct and compliant installation prior to serving and maintenance is commenced.

UEPMNT368  Repair and maintain stationary gas fuelled reciprocating engines
This unit covers the isolation, disconnecting, repairing, reconnecting and maintenance of stationary gas-fuelled reciprocating engines as part of a routine maintenance or repair/breakdown service where required.

It encompasses working safely and to relevant standards disconnecting/reconnecting, carrying out repairs and replacement of gas fuel train components to given specifications. Reconnecting the engine including pre-start tests, start-up, and adjusting components and controls to safe and efficient operation. Completing all required documentation.

This training covers the basics of installation and commission but focuses on the repair and maintenance of stationary gas-fuelled reciprocating gas fuelled engines complying with the nationally accredited training scheme.

You will complete this in conjunction with the install basics and if you require the install and commissioning unit then you will have additional training days and learning/assessments to complete the next unit UEPMNT367.

UEPMNT367 Install and commission stationary gas-fuelled reciprocating engines
This unit covers the installation and commissioning of stationary gas-fuelled reciprocating engines as per the submission and specifications supplied and the Type B gas Approval as required. It encompasses working safely and to be compliant to the correct standards, mainly AS/NZS3814 matching the plant/equipment, location, components and fuel train pipework to given specifications. Commissioning the plant and equipment including: pre-commissioning tests, start-up, and adjusting components and controls for safe and efficient operation. Completing all necessary compliance documentation i.e. compliance certificates, installation, and commissioning documentation.



✔️ UEPMNT367 Install and commission stationary gas fuelled reciprocating engines
✔️ UEPMNT368 Repair and maintain stationary gas fueled reciprocating engines


Training includes:
•  Access to online learning portal and materials
•  Australian Standards included: AS/NZS 5601-1-Part 1 and AS/NZS3814  latest versions ( Free of Charge)
•  Required Student Learner Manuals/textbooks.
•  The Voyage of Discovery – Gas stationary Engines manual
•  Practical onsite training- including Access to
»  Two Gas Stationary Engines.- Simulate up to 4 MW engines
»  Two-stage gas systems.
»  Required tools and test equipment for the practical.


8-10hrs Online & 5 days F2F
PreReq-Service UEPMNT368

Note:  these are the standalone units and assumes you can provide evidence of the pre-requisites which are required to complete these two units.


Please note: When you click “Apply Now”, you will start the process of enrolling into the course. If you want to make an enquiry, please click “Enquire Now” above.

There are currently no openings available for this course. To register for expressions of interest don't hesitate to get in touch with our team at Bizmatrix for more information Phone 1300 588 749 or 07 3732 6500


Is a Gas Stationary Engine a Type B gas appliance?
Yes,  however this course and the units cover Install and Commission, Repair and Maintain stationary gas-fuelled reciprocating engines to a maximum size of 5 GJ/hr.

If you are required to install and service stationary gas engines more than 5 GJ/hr then we recommend you consider the Bizmatrix Type B Gas Course CPCPGS4023 Install , commission and service Type B gas Appliances

When I complete the Gas Stationary Engine course can I install and service any Type B gas appliance?
No, the Gas Stationary Engine courses whether it be Install & Commission and or Service and Maintain, solely cover Gas Stationary Engines to 5 GJ/hr and only Gas Stationary Engines.

What does the Gas Stationary Course Cover – does it cover the engine?
The focus of the Gas Stationary Engine course – mainly covers the gas section of the appliance, from the gas supply, valve train, gas rates, purge time and purge volume, the engine management systems compliance, gas submission, checking exhaust gases, valve train testing, correct gas rates and tuning the gas, setting high and low-pressure switches, correct ventilation, complying to Section 5.8 in AS/NZS3814. Types of engines, OPSO and OPP regulators, multi-bloc valves and working safely with generators. Basic maintenance checks and service techniques.

This course will not teach you the mechanics of the gas stationary engine.

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