Month: November 2018

Type B Gas Coffee Roaster Centre Piece at New Milan Starbucks !

Type B Gas Coffee Roaster Centre Piece at New Milan Starbucks !

Being of Italian heritage I would have never thought of travelling all the way to Milan Italy, to actually have an Espresso coffee or Cappuccino at a Starbucks in Italy. Let alone any food like pizza or focaccia Lorella and I were having dinner with our relations, when they told us about the new Starbucks, […]

The future is here restricted electrical for electrical motor bikes

The future is here restricted electrical for electrical motor bikes

If you have ever wondered about the future of some trades, recently while travelling in Europe, in the city if Milan- Italy, I notice these two electrical motor cycles displayed in the front window of a department store. Additionally, we witness several of these electric motor bikes on the road, with several charging stations situated […]

Plumbers Gasfitters have further extensions for the restricted electrical licences

Plumbers Gasfitters have further extensions for the restricted electrical licences

This year the Electrical Safety Office in Queensland granted additional items for plumber gas fitter restricted electrical licences. Heat pumps are now included All Hat water units NOW AVAILABLE – Plugs and cords  240 Vac and 415 Vac Restricted electrical license courses for Plumbers and or Gas fitters  at Bizmatrix This detailed training session will […]

QGA-Queensland Gas Industry Awards 2018 – Up and coming Business of the year winner

QGA-Queensland Gas Industry Awards 2018 – Up and coming Business of the year winner

Up and coming Business of the year winner- Sponsored by Bizmatrix  Winner -Ryan Heathwood – Rynos Plumbing and GAS Congratulations to Ryan Heathwood the owner of Rynos Plumbing and Gas for being the winner of the Up and coming Business of the year, Ryan was also elected a committee member at the QGA annual General […]

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