
When it comes to saving on energy in your home, it is important to know which appliances within the home are consuming the most. There are some appliances you simply cannot live without and are going to use a lot of energy no matter what. However, when purchasing these power-hungry appliances, it is important to look for an electrical safety certificate or a gas appliance safety certificate to ensure the appliance is secure and efficient.

Here is a list of just some of the appliances that consume the most energy around the home:


Your refrigerator consumes more energy than any other appliance in your home. However, this appliance is also necessary. When trying to save on energy costs, there are a few things to remember about your refrigerator.

First, always keep the door shut and sealed tightly so the air remains cool.

Second, full refrigerators require less work as there is not as much air that needs to be cooled.

Finally, purchase a refrigerator that has been labelled as energy efficient.

Water Heater

Your water heater consumes a lot of energy as well. There are several things you can do in order to lower the amount of time the water heater runs.

First, try to wash the majority of your clothes in cold water.

Next, take shorter showers. Set a timer for your shower and then lower the amount of time spent in it by a couple of minutes. This will greatly reduce the amount of time your water heater has to run.

Air Conditioner/Heater

The cooling and heating system in your home consumes a lot of energy. The best way to lower your energy costs is to simply not run the air conditioner whenever possible. As for heaters, try to use them sparingly. Consider using fans throughout the home to help keep it cool. When it is on, it is advised to set the temperature at approximately 24 degrees Celsius.

These are three of the biggest energy-consuming devices in the home. Other items like televisions, computers, toasters and ovens all consume a sizeable amount of energy as well, which means you need to pay attention to all of them.

When your electronic devices are not being used, make sure they are unplugged. Using a power cord and switching the entire thing off when none of the appliances are being used is a great way to save energy. In addition, you should always check for the gas and electrical safety certificate of the product.

For more advice on how to save energy in your home, talk to the experts Bizmatrix. You can visit them online or call 1300 588 749 to get in contact with Bizmatrix today.


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