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Month: May 2017

Darrel Vecchio is presented at the VELG – 2017 VET CEO Conference

Darrel Vecchio is presenting “The CEO Perspective: “Could someone pass me the CEO Translator Handbook”. Don’t become a CEO of an RTO business for the money and lifestyle. Velg Training will be hosting the VET CEO conference on Friday 2nd June 2017. The conference program has been designed to address fundamental aspects of day-to-day RTO […]

Concentration Tips – Study Time concentration study tips

Concentration Tips – Study Time

Sometimes it can feel like every little thing is getting in the way of you and your study time. Suddenly, mowing the lawn has moved up in your list of priorities and two hours later you’ve managed to successfully procrastinate to the point of realsing that you havent even opened the first page of your […]

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