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Category: Business Tips

Type B Gas Coffee Roaster Centre Piece at New Milan Starbucks !

Type B Gas Coffee Roaster Centre Piece at New Milan Starbucks !

Being of Italian heritage I would have never thought of travelling all the way to Milan Italy, to actually have an Espresso coffee or Cappuccino at a Starbucks in Italy. Let alone any food like pizza or focaccia Lorella and I were having dinner with our relations, when they told us about the new Starbucks, […]

How to Decide on your Next Career Move in the Trade Industry career change

How to Decide on your Next Career Move in the Trade Industry

If you’ve been a gas fitter all your life and after 20 years, have begun thinking about your next career move, this is not an uncommon situation to be in. Considering your options about your next role is important to ensure that you follow a path that you’re both passionate about and also practical about. […]

Darrel Vecchio is presented at the VELG – 2017 VET CEO Conference

Darrel Vecchio is presenting “The CEO Perspective: “Could someone pass me the CEO Translator Handbook”. Don’t become a CEO of an RTO business for the money and lifestyle. Velg Training will be hosting the VET CEO conference on Friday 2nd June 2017. The conference program has been designed to address fundamental aspects of day-to-day RTO […]

Concentration Tips – Study Time concentration study tips

Concentration Tips – Study Time

Sometimes it can feel like every little thing is getting in the way of you and your study time. Suddenly, mowing the lawn has moved up in your list of priorities and two hours later you’ve managed to successfully procrastinate to the point of realsing that you havent even opened the first page of your […]

Ready For A Career Change: Ask Yourself These Questions career change

Ready For A Career Change: Ask Yourself These Questions

It can be easy to eat, sleep, work, repeat and find yourself stuck in a rut. But if you’ve been thinking about a career change, here are a few steps you can take to ensure that you’ve answered every question, before making a change.   Ask yourself: How do I like to work? Knowing your […]

Do You Have A Mentor? The Importance of Having One have a mentor

Do You Have A Mentor? The Importance of Having One

Even at this point in my career, I still regularly work with a number of mentors. I have a mentor for business advice, financial advice and more. The one thing that I’m overcoming is that you can’t be a one-man band in your career, and the advice and assistance of others is so important. Zig […]

Trade Tips: Staying Cool in this Heatwave heatwave

Trade Tips: Staying Cool in this Heatwave

In case you weren’t aware, Australia’s preparing for a massive heatwave over the next few days. So we thought it was worth sharing our tips for staying cool in this heat. If you’re working onsite, there are a number of ways to reduce the effects the warm weather has on you, so here are our […]

Five Hour Workday – Make Work Effective Instead of Exhausting effective instead of ment

Five Hour Workday – Make Work Effective Instead of Exhausting

There’s a common misconception that working a 60-hour week will enable you to succeed faster in your business. We get that guilty feeling when we show up late or leave early, and the staff in the office til the wee hours are often the ones praised for their efforts – whether it is productive or not. […]

Three Ways To Build Your Network As a Gas Fitter gas fitter

Three Ways To Build Your Network As a Gas Fitter

Are you leveraging your professional network as well as you could be? Here are three ways to build your network as a gas fitter. “84% of consumers reported always or sometimes taking action based on personal recommendations” – Nielson. 1.Impressions really do count The more places we show our face, the more opportunities we have […]

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