Just like wine and cheese are the perfect combination, the same goes for certain training programs.

While finding the perfect pair may not always be easy, but we’ve put together a little guide for you so that you can gain a better understanding of where your career could be going.

From my personal experience, I’ve found that once I started learning, I wanted to continue! In day to day life, we often repeat actions over and over, and don’t really learn something new.

I’ll admit, initially, learning can be really overwhelming, and there are times you just want to throw in the towel. However it also can be addictive, realising your ability to learn so much and grow from it.

Let’s take a look at some perfect pairs that will not only kickstart your career, but enable you to further specialise within your field.

Type B Gas Course and Restricted Electrical

The Type B industrial gas course and Restricted Electrical training. As there is a lot of restricted electrical work within Type B Gas, these two training programs go hand-in-hand like sliced bread with peanut butter!

Gas Work Licence – Restricted to Service, going on to Certificate III in Gas Fitting

This program is a great introduction to Type A Gas, enabling students to continue on to the Certificate III in Gas Fitting. It means that students can first understand if Type A domestic and commercial gas is something they are interested in, then continue on to obtain a full qualification if so.

Certificate III in Gas Fitting (plus Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services units), going on to Restricted Electrical

Once you obtain your Full Gas Work Licence, this is considered a base trade or calling. This means that you will then be eligible to apply for a restricted electrical permit, as you will now have a base trade (gas fitter). Through up-skilling in this field, you will then be able to work on electrical appliances within the scope of your licence.

Type B Gas Course, going on to Type B Gas Flues and Advanced Type B Gas

Once you obtain your Type B Gas authorisation, you are then able to up-skill and complete the Type B Gas Flues course or Advanced Type B Gas course. These are both great programs to enable you to progress within the industrial gas field.


type b gas and restricted electrical


UNIT 67 – 193-203
Southpine Rd,
Brendale Brisbane Qld 4500

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