The Simple guide to getting a gas qualification

In this guide to getting a gas qualification, we tackle the path towards different gas licences and how this translates to whether you can fit, install or service only.

Do you often hear others or even catch yourself asking or saying the following?

»   I can’t find qualified Gas fitters!

»   I need to get a gas qualification and work licence 

»   You can only be a Gas Fitter through an apprenticeship

»   Is it too expensive to get a GAs Licence?

»   Only plumbers can get a Gas Work Licence!

»   Can a plumber do a Gas Fitting / Certificate III in Gas Fitting Apprenticeship?

»   How do I find more plumbers with gas fitting licences?

Over the past few months we have seen an upsurge of plumbers seeking education and training to either regain their Gas Work Licence (GWL) that they failed to renew or in many cases when they completed their apprenticeship, never actually applied for their Gas Work Licence.

Today I was asked by a business owner who we will call JSAL if I knew of or recommended any good plumbers with a GWL or any gas fitters who are looking for a job?

He then proceeded to tell me it was too expensive to get qualified as a gas fitter and wasn’t aware of available options.

It seems there is a disconnect with what is available with education and the options, so I promised JSAL (who remains anonymous) I would put a simple guide together .

Additionally, the other concern is the amount of plumbers doing gas work without a GWL – to clarify, a GWL is not covered by the QBCC licence.  All gas work and the GWL work must be signed off by the individual GWL installer as in the GWL person must issue the certificate and is totally responsible for the compliance of their gas work installation.

Gas work also includes the flue, ventilation, pipework, regulators, submeters, gas appliance commissioning & install, service and repairs and certification (issuing the compliance certificate). 

Understand your obligations as a licence holder.

As an example, if you worked for a courier company and the owner said you needed to deliver a parcel down the road, by 12.00pm and you needed to do 150 km/ph would you break the law to deliver the parcel on time? I would say no, the same goes for a plumber with NO gas licence who is asked to just install these gas pipes and connect the appliances – this would be licensed gas work. Which could attract a Penalty Infringement Notice points PINS which is a fine of up to $60,000 

More on this later.

So what are the pathways or options for a Gas Work Licence?

Option 1 –  Only doing service repairs and maintenance.

Gas Work Licence – Restricted to service only 

Suited for persons requiring to do incidental gas service work & disconnect & reconnect around their call of trade – as in a plumber, electrical person, appliance repairer, mechanical trade or refrigeration person who needs to service maintenance only Type A gas appliances.

Not suited and not available to persons without a trade!

Training commences with five modules online approximately 50-60 hrs then eight (8) days face to face – the course is over a period of 2-3 months – PED 20hrs institutional completed throughout the course

NO appliance or gas system Installations allowed – Service ONLY

Gas Work Licence – Restricted to service only plus Caravan Certifications 

Suited for persons requiring to do incidental gas service work, disconnect & reconnect  around their call of trade – as in a plumber, electrical person, appliance repairer, mechanical trade or refrigeration person who needs to service maintenance only Type A gas appliances.

And required to issue Caravan Compliance Certificates (QLD only)

Not suited and not available to persons without a trade!

Training commences with five modules online approximately 50-70 hrs then eight (8) days, two (2) extra days for caravan section -face to face. The course is over a period of 2-3 months – PED 20hrs institutional completed throughout the course

NO appliance or gas system Installations allowed- Service ONLY

Option 2 – Gas Work Licences

Certificate III in Gas Fitting

Gas Work Licence Interim

Non apprenticeship user pay.

»  Off site – required to complete 60 hrs of practical Logbook experience- signed off by a licensed gas fitter, to gain the full gas licence.

Training commences with five modules online approximately 50-70 hrs

»  Week one – four (4) days face to face then 2 months later
»  Week two – five (5) days face to face- then two months later
»  Week three – five (5) days face to face- then one to two (1-2) months later
»  Week four – five (5) days face to face- then one to two (1-2) months later

On registration – the participant can legally carry out gas work but must be directly  supervised, and during this period, the participant is required to maintain the practical experience declaration log, which will be used for the final open GWL application

At the end of the training period when the online and the face to face is completed and minimum logbook hrs are completed, the student is issued with a Certificate III in Gas Fitting  (includes the 32 units required to apply for the Gas Work Licence (interim).

The participant will now apply (within 365 days of certificate date) for a Gas Work Licence (Interim), and can certify the gas work until the open licence, but can work with limited supervision.

The GWL (Interim)  is valid for 3 years, in which time, to progress to a Gas Work Licence the participant must complete four (4) Certificate IV units.

»  CPCPCM4011A Carry out work-based risk control processes
»  CPCPGS4022A Service Type A gas appliances
CPCPCM4012A Estimate and cost work
CPCPGS4011C Design and size consumer gas installations

Plus complete the 60 hrs practical experience declaration jobs

What if I am a plumber? – Insert RPL savings …

Option 3- Apprenticeship

Gas Work Licence Certificate III in Gas Fitting – Apprenticeship

Gas Work Licence Interim – Apprenticeship

Apprenticeship – Costs covered by USER CHOICE FUNDING .

»  Off site – Required to complete 60 hrs of practical Logbook experience – signed off by a licensed gas fitter, to gain the full gas licence.
»  Apprenticeship Logbook

Institutional Training commences with five (5) modules online approximately 50-70 hrs

»  Week one – four (4) days face to face then 2 months later
»  Week two – five (5) days face to face – then two (2) months later
»  Week three – five (5) days face to face – then two (2) months later
»  Week four – five (5) days face to face – then two (2) months later

On registration – the participant can legally carry out gas work but must be directly supervised, and during this period, the participant is required to maintain the practical experience declaration log, which will be used for the final open GWL application

Each of the subjects and units are covered by a training plan agreement between the employer and the RTO and the apprentice. Each unit is signed off when the RTO + employer deems the apprentice to be competent. The time period will depend on each case and the background of the apprentice.

The competition period could be from 18 months to 3-4 years , depending on the logged experience.

This is a fully funded course, the only prerequisite is that an apprentice can only compete one apprenticeship at a time, so if you already have a trade – you are eligible to apply for a Gas Fitting apprenticeship.

For example, a plumber can complete the apprenticeship and will be considered for RPL, saving time for some or all of the plumbing units… consideration will be a case by case process.

At the end of the training period when the online and the face to face is completed and apprenticeship logbook hrs are completed, the student is issued with a Certificate III in Gas Fitting and the apprenticeship completion papers(includes the 32 units required to apply for the Gas Work Licence (interim)).

The participant will now apply (within 365 days of certificate date) for a Gas Work Licence (Interim), and can certify the gas work until the open licence, but can work with limited supervision.

The GWL (Interim)  is valid for three (3) years, in which time to progress to a Gas Work Licence the participant must complete four (4) Certificate IV units.

»CPCPCM4011A Carry out work-based risk control processes
»CPCPGS4022A Service Type A gas appliances
»CPCPCM4012A Estimate and cost work
»CPCPGS4011C Design and size consumer gas installations

Plus complete the 60 hrs practical experience declaration jobs.

Need to upgrade your gas qualification?
Contact Bizmatrix on 0457 595 888 or 1300 588 749 or visit
Gas Work Licence – Restricted to service, Certificate III in Gas Fitting,
Gas Work Licence Interim or Certificate III in Gas Fitting  Apprenticeship


UNIT 67 – 193-203
Southpine Rd,
Brendale Brisbane Qld 4500

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