Being of Italian heritage I would have never thought of travelling all the way to Milan Italy, to actually have an Espresso coffee or Cappuccino at a Starbucks in Italy. Let alone any food like pizza or focaccia

Lorella and I were having dinner with our relations, when they told us about the new Starbucks, they said it was impossible to get service as the line ups/ ques were over 40-60 minutes and why would you line up for an American coffee in Italy, when there were so many better choices.

Whilst doing the traditional Milanese tourist walk, we stumbled on the new Starbucks and we became curious, so we had a peak. It was mid-afternoon, and the ques were small.

Then the main centre point was this Type B gas Coffee roaster and large processing plant front and centre of the Starbucks.

Definitely not your traditional Starbucks- and to find a Type B gas appliance, that would normally be located in a plant room or production facility, I was blown away. Now I am not certain of the compliance, and I am not certain who did the risk assessment and it was Natural gas.

I know that our new AS3814-2018 was just released, but I don’t think Italy uses our Australian Standards, All that kept going through my mind, Who has done the risk assessments? Where is the ventilation? How can you have a coffee roaster or this Type B gas appliance in the middle of a public place!

I ordered a couple of Cappuccinos and a focaccia,

I felt like I might have been contributing to the payment of the 150 staff or the luxurious building, at around 5 euro each cappuccino ($10 AUD ) when the most we had paid to date was 1.60Euro, it was a bit expensive, but worth the experience. After all we did sit down, as in Italy if you drink your coffee while standing its around one euro for an espresso.

So what Is the moral of the story, it’s a small World, if you get qualified as a Type B gas technician or repairer of coffee machines, you never know where you could see these appliances and you never will be short of work as these appliances are everywhere- even in a Starbucks in Italy .

In our next edition, we will review the changes and additions in the new AS3814-2018 standard for Type B gas appliances.

If you would like to know more about our Type B gas appliances, Gas station engine course or restricted electrical courses  contact us directly on 0457 595 888 or Type B gas course , Gas Engine Courses, Restricted Electrical Courses  , Test and tag courses at Bizmatrix


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